I have a pen friend from LA and about two years ago she told me about this guy called Girl Talk. I immediately thought that any solo male artist who goes by that name must be a wanker, and so didn't give his music much thought. Then a few months later I gave him a proper listen and still didn't think much of him. I don't really have much of a fondness for R&B. And mash-ups generally annoy me because they leave me desperate to hear more than 10 seconds of each song. However, I finally came around and developed quite a soft spot for tracks such as Bounce That and Warm It Up off his third album Night Ripper.
To "do a Radiohead" has become such a self explanatory phrase that I don't think I need to say much more except that Girl Talk has done just that, by releasing his very impressive fourth album Feed The Animals for digital download for whatever price it is deemed worthy of from Illegal Art. I'm not quite sure of what I think of this system, but I do know this album is a very good listen. I think the main reason I had such a turn around in my opinion of Girl Talk is that I am a sucker for nostalgia. These tracks are riddled with reminders both of your high school days and your parents CD collections. The beauty of this is that different samples stand out for different people, and arguably make the listening experience unique for everyone. The first time you hear the album is pretty exciting, because you just never know what sample is going to be thrown in and usually its one that you would never expect!
Girl Talk-Give Me a Beat
Girl Talk Myspace
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