On the hottest Sydney day in three years it was an odd feeling to walk out of the heat and into the stillness of a concert hall and the sounds of a Wisconsin winter. I was running late, which I feel ended up adding to my experience. I entered the room with Flume in full swing and walked down the centre ailse staring straight at the stage, which meant I got the complete impact of the performance. Justin in the centre and the three other band members surrounding him with guitars, bass, drums, keyboards and more drums. The sound in this venue (Angel Place Recital Hall) is probably second to none, though I suppose it helps that the nature of the place means one never has to strain over the sounds of screaming fans or bad audience sing alongs.
The whole show really blew my mind. It was quickly clear that the whole room was transfixed on this dude who speaks like a stupid, though charming, American hick named Earl but sings with such honest heart that it makes ya' cry. Bon Iver seamlessly mixed the best of their debut album For Emma, Forver Ago with new ones off the recently released EP Blood Bank. Crowd favourite Skinny Love was performed with perfection, as the three other band members drummed heavily in time during the crescendo of the track, as Justin remained seemingly oblivious-singing and playing as though he was alone in his bedroom.
Easily one of the best gigs I have ever seen, in one of the most beautiful and perfectly suited venues I'll ever be in.
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