"It's all in my head, it's all in my head. All I've ever been to myself is my own enemy"
Did you know that sometimes in summer I think dreamily of the time when I can curl up on the couch with the heater on, a cup of tea, a mint slice and countless text books? Needless to say I don't know who that crazy crazy person is right now. Some people say that it's impossible to study in the company of music. I disagree. Obviously I wouldn't recommend rocking out to metal or hardcore trance (though it works for some), but if you have the right sorta stuff it can set the mood and make the whole thing slightly more bearable. Here are some of my picks.

Angus & Julia Stone could be considered one of the classics of study music. Along with Simon and Garfunkel, Regina Spektor, The Shins and Deathcab for Cutie, this brother and sister duo's debut release has definetly kept me going the past few years. Unfortunately, there comes a time when all great albums just need a rest. Never fear! Angus has released a solo effort under the name Lady of the Sunshine (weird, I know, it took me a little too long to work out that this was actually (a) a man and (b) a Stone). Off the back off the first single White Rose Parade, the album Smoking Gun was marketed as more rockier than the collaboration with his sister. But in reality, the album has the same beautiful softness that we have come to associate with the Stone name, just with the amp plugged in on a handful of tracks.
Lady of the Sunshine-Silver Revolver (zshare)
Lady of the Sunshine-Silver Revolver (zshare)
"Now Have a Break"
The Whitest Boy Alive is another one of those artist that has been on the periphery of my music awareness for quite some time but only recently have I given them a good go. Now I'm totally immersed. Don't let the name deceive you. That's four white boys, not just one. They're from Berlin, they're signed to Modular and I'm having major deja vu. No seriously. Strange. Anyway, I can't help but think they sound like Phoenix before Phoenix discovered their guitars.
The Whitest Boy Alive-1517 (zshare)
And here is one you should maybe save til the study is over. What an absolutely massively amazing track. Gotta love Falke. Have a dance.
The Whitest Boy Alive-Golden Cage (Fred Falke Remix) (zshare)
The Whitest Boy Alive-1517 (zshare)
And here is one you should maybe save til the study is over. What an absolutely massively amazing track. Gotta love Falke. Have a dance.
The Whitest Boy Alive-Golden Cage (Fred Falke Remix) (zshare)

Iron & Wine is amazing. And everyone around me totally loves this song. You've probably heard it...and so are also probably listening to it right now. If you haven't it was released on a compilation of his b-sides and previously unreleased stuff Around the Well. Quintessential study time music, so long as you can stop yourself thinking about the words and focus on the equations.
Iron & Wine-Trapeze Swinger (zshare)

I Love Ryan Adams. There I said it. I go to bed with him most nights. He's the one I turn to when I'm stressed or sad. You could even say he's my rock. And yet, for some reason I'm ashamed to say this out loud. Gee, I feel a bit like Judas. It's just that he's so country! And I'm so not. Clearly, this is a fault on my behalf, it's got nothing to do with Ryan. Ryan is perfect. I was crazy about his 2007 release Easy Tiger, and his latest Cardinology is not too bad either.
Ryan Adams and the Cardinals-Fix It (zshare)
1 comment:
I just love reading this blog. It makes my day happier. Plus I get to pretend I know stuff to my other friends! hehe. Love The Whitest Boy Alive youtube clip, that visual stuff freaks me out, it's fantastic. And I completely agree... they are very Phoenix minus guitar sounding!
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