Wednesday, August 5, 2009

We Were Promised Jetpacks

"My body it was black and blue"

For some reason I really really want to go to Scotland. Not sure why...I mean England and Ireland and Wales don't do it for me. But Scotland, WOOOOAH!

So it makes me happy to hear some sweet tunes coming out of this nation-which-i-love. We Were Promised Jetpacks were formed in Edinburgh (my favourite Scottish city) but now live in Glasgow (my least favourite Scottish city, though it is fun to say)*. The music is at times beautifully simple and then surprises you with a massive crescendo of crunching guitar and crashing drums. But the Scottish twang courtesy of singer Adam Thompson is what makes me really want to stick around for every track of the bands debut These Four Walls.

* I know absolutley nothing about Scotland, I base these judgements on movies I've seen.

We Were Promised Jetpacks-It's Thunder and It's Lightening (zshare)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quiet little voices is such a great song. Haven't heard the other one yet. Thanks for the post.