Monday, September 29, 2008

Walter Meego

This is by no means a new track. It was apparently featured in an episode of Ugly Betty way back in March, and so has obviously been floating around since at least then. But I only just recently got my hands on it and it has kept popping up in my playlist-and each time I hear it I like it just a little bit more. Until finally, just moments ago, I finally fell in love and felt the need to make at least one other person hear this track.

Walter Meego are a duo from Chicago. They're indie. And they're electro. Who isn't these days, ay? Their Wiki says they have been compared to Air...understandable, Daft Punk...I can see that, The Beatles...Yeah especially in their other tracks and I can't see in any which way these boys channel anything vaguely Seattle-grunge-like, but then again knowing Wikipedia that was probably added by an 8 year old. The Beatles thing is pretty strangely spot on though, all of their tracks do have a strong British sound to them which is strange as they are both Yankee-doodle born and bred and site 90's American pop as their inspiration.

Check out the track. If you want something a bit less sweet sounding, or you only buy Australian made products, check out the Van She Tech remix.

Walter Meego-Forever

Walter Meego's Myspace

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