Thursday, June 11, 2009

June Evenings

Was listening heaps to the Air France the past few weeks cos their second album No Way Down is so bloody beautiful. Then the horrible accident happened with the Air France flight and it became sorta eerie to listen to these tracks. Sure, this 23 minutes of laid back groove filled electronica has nothing other than a name in common with the tragedy, but it still feels a little sad somehow.

I have been walking around Sydney streets listening to the second track June Evenings quietly laughing to myself (yes, im THAT person.) Whilst I'm wearing ski socks under my jeans and at least two jackets, the "June" that this song was written about is vastly different. It is such a distinctly Summer song that conjours images of frolicking through grassy fields filled with chirping birds and giant sunflowers. How wrong am I. Just found out that Air France are from Gothenburg, Sweden, where today's max temperature was 14 degrees....the exact same as Sydney! So much for my vision...if all goes to plan I will be in Sweden next June to experience some evenings of my own. yay.

Air France-June Evenings (zshare)

They also did a remix of Skeleton Boy from British boys Friendly Fires. You've probably seen the clip floating round and it is one of the more awesome ones don't you think? Great song but if you ask me it's made even better by the Air France treatment.

Friendly Fires-Skeleton Boy (Air France Remix) (zshare)


Unknown said...

I dig it, especially the second song. Fun music for a Friday when you have just started work and struggling to wake up :)

a.i.s said...

yeah how good is it? heaps relaxing i reckon ill burn you the cd x